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St Feock Church

Priest-in-charge: The Rev'd Karen Wilson

Tel: 01872 273357






          Hon. Treasurer                                                                                                                                          Auditor

          Mr Stephen Gaut FCCA                                                                                                                             Mr Luke Bennett FCA CTA

          Gables End                                                                                                                                                 Trebarvah Cottage

          St Feock                                                                                                                                                      Seworgan

          TR3 6SD                                                                                                                                                      Constantine, Falmouth


          Bankers: HSBC, 17 Boscawen Street, Truro, Cornwall TRI 2QZ

          Hon. Secretary: Mrs Rosalind Smith

          Churchwarden: Mr Martin Davey







MINUTES: The Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held on the 18th April 2021




MINUTES: The Minutes of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting held on the 18th April 2021



PRINTED REPORTS: (There having been very disrupted action within the various church groups in the past year, updates, where appropriate, have been included in the Churchwarden’s report.)


Proposed: Mr Luke Bennet FCA CTA Proposer: Steve Gaut



Smith have a further year to stand) No election necessary.


PCC members are elected for 3 years, but may be re-elected after that time.

The current PCC are

Clergy: The Rev’d Karen Wilson

Churchwarden: Martin Davey (May be re-elected for a further year)

Treasurer: Steve Gaut (Has further two years to stand in his own right)

Secretary: Rosalind Smith (Has further two years to stand in her own right)

Members: Jack Revell (Has further two years to stand)

Robert Talbot (Has further three years to stand)


The meeting ended at



PRIEST-IN-CHARGE REPORT Please see TWC – APCM Report 2022-23


Covid Year

Our congregation has worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to show the love of Jesus through everything we have done. Although unable to visit our friends and neighbours we have kept in touch and ensured everyone is safe.

Church kept open - St Feock Church has remained open to visitors every day thanks to Jake and his team of key holders. This proved to be invaluable to so many villagers who called into the building for private prayer and peace. Lorna kept everybody safe by sanitising surfaces regularly. 

The Christmas Tree beside the altar and the nativity which was also lit up was a draw to many people. A surprising number of

people also came to view the Easter Garden. Until Covid some villagers had never been inside the church. You just need to read the comments in the visitor’s book to see how much this was appreciated.

Drinks at Six on Friday nights – We set up a Zoom link so we could enjoy a glass of wine together. It was so good to see each other again rather than just hear a voice on the end of the phone. This proved a life saver for many who were feeling lonely and isolated in their own homes. It was also a really helpful way of sharing information and news.

Hot meals delivered 3 times a week - These were delivered by a team of volunteers right across the parish. For some recipients these deliveries were the only time they saw another human being. The volunteers also posted letters, delivered magazines to other homes, fixed gates, collected prescriptions and changed lightbulbs.

Minibus – As a result of these lunch deliveries the volunteers were able to report back any problems so we could address them. We soon realised how fearful people were of leaving their homes. All the months of lockdown and shielding had taken their toll. Many had lost confidence in themselves and as a result had also lost their independence. Some had developed eye conditions and were unable to drive. The need to socialise in safety soon became apparent. Esther Pollard dealt with all the administration so quickly and efficiently that within two months we had charitable status and our minibus was delivered. Our dedicated team of volunteer drivers, our booking clerk and Meeters and Greeters are amazing and ensure everyone has a good time and no one is left out. We collect passengers from across the parish and take them out twice a week.

Mothering Sunday posies – Wendy Gladwyn and her team made up delightful posies of flowers which were distributed to all members in our congregation. It was a wonderful way of showing the church was aliveeven though services were suspended.

Church Flowers – We are very grateful to Wendy Gladwyn and her team for the Church flower arrangements which were so beautiful to see throughout the time of the pandemic.

Easter Eggs - These were donated and delivered by the Easter Bunnies along with an Easter Card to everyone in the congregation. A small act of kindness that meant so much.

Charitable Giving - Throughout lockdown St Feock Church has been looking at ways to support others less fortunate. Working alongside UNICEF we have provided 30,000 Covid vaccinations.

Truro Foodbank has received our Christmas Collection

Our Harvest donations to Send a Cow meant 175 families in Africa have received the training and support necessary to become chicken farmers and lead sustainable lives.

Gardens Open – Jack and Di Revell and Robert and Evelyne Talbot opened their beautiful gardens and provided cream teas to support the running of our church.

All Souls Service – we lit over 140 candles in our traditional village service which was attended by Bishop Philip who brought his family to worship. The Bishop said he was moved by this service which had the highest attendance for the year. He took away several copies of our service to pass to other churches.

Flag Pole – This was given to the church by Jeff Rumble in time for our very moving Remembrance Service at the War Memorial. Jake Backus oversees the raising and lowering of the flags.

Writing the Church Profile – A concerted prayerful effort was made during lockdown to ensure a full and detailed report of our church would be available for our new priest. We worked in harmony with the other Waterside churches of Perranwell and Devoran with Jonathan Rowe providing guidance as necessary.

Short listing and interviewing for a new Priest in Charge – We prayed for a priest to take on the pastoral care of the three Waterside

Churches. The pandemic has left so many people feeling lonely and depressed. We were delighted to welcome Karen Wilson as our new Priest. During the interview she showed herself to be everything we had asked of God. She particularly wishes to be pastorally amongst those in need in the parish.

Licensing Service – A wonderful, happy, well attended service for Karen was held in St Feock Church.

Christmas Raffle - Whilst Covid stopped us from meeting we were able to carry on our fundraising for the church by holding our Christmas Hamper Raffle. Everyone in the congregation sold tickets and £800 was raised.

Church & Churchyard – We have over the twelve months kept the fabric of the Church building to a high standard. Glenn Humphries has also kept the Church grounds immaculate.

Martin Davey



Electoral Roll

The number of Church Members on the Electoral Roll is 57.



The PCC continued to fulfil its responsibilities and oversee the running and maintenance of church and services despite the challenges of continued Covid restrictions. The PCC met on four occasions and all members have worked tirelessly, not only on the domestic front, but also in in furthering our outreach to both the local and international communities. Church members have been a wonderful support and risen to every challenge as was recognised recently by both our Bishops. Details of some of the work covered can be found in the churchwarden’s report.


Rosalind Smith


SAFEGUARDING: There have been no safeguarding issues in the past year and all necessary safeguarding training courses have been completed. Safeguarding continues to appear on the agenda of every PCC meeting and all diocesan recommendations have been followed.

Rosalind Smith

Safeguarding Officer



The choir, as always, have enjoyed singing at our regular services and particularly over the Christmas period when we are able to add seasonal carols to our repertoire. It is lovely to have an excellent organist, George Stevens. Who has not only been a great help to the choir, but has also blossomed in confidence which has been a great joy to us all. Personally, I am so grateful to George and to all our choir members who turn up at 9.15 a.m. on a Sunday morning. It is early, but it is fun. Perhaps you might consider joining us in the coming year.

Rosalind Smith


HSE Report

The last 2 years have been extremely trying and difficult for all us. As the nominal St Feock Health & Safety officer I feel a bit of a fraud.Also guilty that whilst there has overtly, been little to report, behind the scenes the Church, Parish Hall, and environs, have been kept Covid free and safe. This has been achieved very ably, and with our thanks to our Churchwarden Martin, and Martin and Rosalind Smith They have worked tirelessly, not only to ensure our safety and that of its premises, but also the numerous every day matters, such as identifying water and radiator leaks and condensation problems in the vestry, fire door in the

Parish hall to name but 3. Now that we are hopefully, approaching the new normality, I would be grateful and indeed welcome anyone who identifies any H&S issues, to contact me.

Jack Revell

St. Feock Parochial Church Council



The second year of Covid19 again constrained church activities and impacted finances. As in 2020 it was necessary to draw down from reserves to support cash flow. In line with the commitment to the Waterside Benefice, payment of MMF was maintained at £26,750 which was £9,387 below the call from the Diocese.

Consistent with previous years the accounts are maintained and reported on a receipts and payments basis and set out on Schedules 1 – 5.

The General Fund – Schedule 1

The Church suffered an operating loss of £5,604 for the year against an operating loss of £3,609 in the previous year. The losses were funded by transfers from reserves: £5,000 in 2021 and £8,000 in 2020. Schedule 1 shows payments exceeded receipts by £604 in 2021 after the transfer from reserves.

• Despite the negative net result, total income, excluding the reserves draw down, was £49,045 against £41,235 last year, an increase of £7,810.

• Total Giving rose by £3,734. Several members of the congregation moved from the weekly giving envelopes to monthly donation by standing order which increased guaranteed regular monthly income.

• Giving included the specific charitable donations for UNICEF vaccines and Send a Chicken to Africa which together enabled us to donate £3,100 to these causes.

• Fundraising events were restored in 2021 with two open garden events raising £807. The Xmas Raffle generated £712. Jigsaw sales raised £50.

• Magazine income was at all time high at £10,332, an increase of £713. Payment by standing order was introduced for the annual magazine subscription and adopted by the majority.

• Fees paid for weddings, funerals etc were also higher at £4,229, an increase of £971.

• The special appeals for Church Hall painting and the new churchyard flagpole raised £1,274.

• The 2021 Churchyard grant from the local Parish Council was received in January 2022.

The increase in income was more than matched by outgoings. Expenditure totalled £54,649 against £44,843 in the previous year. The increase was primarily attributable to the specific donation initiatives and once off major repairs.

• As reported above, donations were made to UNICEF £1,700 and Send a Chicken £1,400. In addition, donations were also made to Truro Food Bank £300, Royal British Legion £139, and the Bishop’s Fund £195.

• Church running expenses increased by £1,099 to £5,037 primarily due to a full year’s insurance premium. 

Details: -

o Electricity £2,606 (2020 £2,302)

o Insurance £1,957 (2020 £883, five months only)

o Water £126 (2020 £106)

o Fuel oil nil (2020 £265)

o Others £347 (2020 £381)

• The capital expenditure / major repairs are detailed as follows:

o New safe £2,280 (required by insurers)

o Flagpole £674 (funded by donation)

o Bell tower roof repairs £1,100 (essential repair identified in quinquennial report)

• The £600 transfer to the Church Hall account refers to the donation received by the Church specifically to fund hall repainting project.

Closing funds in the main PCC current account were £6,992 at the year-end which is sufficient to meet immediate needs. The 2022 budget will be drafted with the objective of avoiding the routine utilisation of reserves.

Restricted funds – Schedule 2

These funds are held in deposit accounts with HSBC Truro and total £8,726. Donations totalling £200 were received into the Fabric Fund during the year. Bank interest receipts across the three funds amounted to £1 for the year. There was no utilization of these funds during the year.

Church and Community Hall – Schedules 3 & 4

Schedule 3 shows the Hall achieving a ‘profit’ of £2,444 in the year, although certain maintenance expenditure was again deferred because of the pandemic. The hall floor is likely to need replacement in the next two to three years, initial estimates suggest costs are likely to be circa £20k. Closing funds in the Hall current account were £11,293.

Schedule 4 provides a detailed analysis of the hall operating income and expenditure. Hall hire was similar to 2020 but >30% below the pre covid levels. Income included a grant from Cornwall Council for a dehumidifier and a private donation of £600 which partially funded decorating costs.

Operational expenses were 12% lower at £3,054. Electricity costs included a refund of £798 related to the previous year. The insurance premium will be invoiced in Q1, 2022.

Gift Aid

The church claims Gift Aid annually. The claim for 2021 was £4,965 and was received in January 2022.

Statement of assets and liabilities – Schedule 5

The closing values of the individual funds are set out in the schedule. Total net assets at the year-end amounted to £145,488, an increase of £12,553. Details of the movements are set out in the tables. Bank balances totalled £27,011 and investments were £118,477.

Movements in funds during the year

The sale of £5,000 of investments gave rise to a ‘book’ profit of £619. The CCLA investments increased in value by 12.6% at the year-end reflecting growth in the markets. The investments also generated dividend income of 2.8% which is reported in the Schedule 1.

The 2019 quinquennial report suggested the church roof is likely to require replacement in eight to ten years. The PCC agreed to set aside funds to ensure such an eventuality could be funded through specific fundraising initiatives and reserves. It has been agreed to designate a further £5,000 for this purpose in the 2021 accounts.

Reserves policy

It is PCC policy to prudently manage the general and restricted reserves with most funds held in the CBF Church of England Investment Fund, managed by CCLA.

The reserves, which have been accumulated over several years, are held to ensure funds are available to maintain the church and sustain its mission within the parish for the foreseeable future.

Financial Projection

The 2022 budget indicates operational cash flow is expected to be broadly in line with 2021. Therefore, a further drawdown from reserves will be required. Nevertheless, the exit from Covid19 is providing opportunities to reach out to the congregation and the wider village community, hopefully encouraging growth in participation in the church. This should in turn benefit the medium to long-term financial health of the church.

Stephen Gaut

Hon Treasurer


Independent examiner's report to the members/trustees of St. Feock Parochial Church Council

I report to the trustees on the examination of the accounts for St. Feock PCC for the year ended 31st December 2021.


Responsibility and basis of the report: As the trustees of the charity you are responsible for the preparation of the accounts in accordance with the requirements of the Charities Act 2011. ("The Act")

I report in respect of my examination of the trust's accounts carried out under Section 145 of The 2011 Act and in carrying out my examination I have followed all the applicable directions given by the Charities Commission under Section 145(5)(b) of the Act.


Independent Examiner's Statement: I have completed my examination. I can confirm that no material matters have come to my attention in connection with the examination giving me cause to believe that in any material respect:

1. Accounting records were not kept in respect of the charity s required by Section 130 of The Act; or

2. The accounts do not accord with these records.


I have no concerns and have come across no other matters in connection with the examination to which attention should be drawn in this respect in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.


Luke Bennett FCA CTA

Trebarva Cottage




TR11 5QN



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