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Agenda for the PCC MEETING on Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 2pm in the Church Hall.


Opening Prayer




Minutes from the previous meeting


Matters arising


Safeguarding - update from Lorraine

- date for PCC training


Finance - review of Parochial fees, etc

- fundraising events:

Lent lunches dates

Ideas needed for use of hall in May instead of plant sale,

Quiz already booked for September

Tim and Lorraine’s ongoing sales

Other ideas

- offer of some money from the council for a Church Project, perhaps an update of the Sound System in Church. This offer is time sensitive.

- Church Coffee Money charity donations.

- Church Hall fees.



Maintenance - update on Church Hall redecoration estimates.



Transition - Report back from Benefice meeting


Local Worship Leader and Local Lay Worship - Paul to explain the

different roles.


Succession planning - New Churchwarden and Treasurer still needed.


Open Day


Church Services for Spring


Forthcoming APCM in April


Joint Services in the Benefice


Any other business


Date of next meeting


Closing Grace




































Minutes of PCC Meeting on October 22nd 2024 at 2pm in the Church Hall


Opening Prayer

Janet Thomas led us in prayer.



David Simmons, (Lay Chair) Kay Lobb, Heather McCombie, Tony Woodbridge, Paul Stuart, Trish Wilcocks, Janet Thomas, Linda Lloyd and Ann Rawlinson.



Rosemary Aitken, Lorraine Rogers, Tim Rogers, Juliet Dundon and Iris Guinchard sent their apologies.


Minutes of the last PCC Meeting

These were agreed and signed by David Simmons as correct.


Matters arising

Any matters arising were already on the agenda for this meeting.



Lorraine is to arrange a Domestic Abuse Awareness training session, to be attended by everyone, probably in the new year now.



Total Cash Assets as at 30.10.24. £72,727.

Deposit Account - General Fund. £47,534.15.

Deposit Account - Tower Fund. £4,771.84.

Remaining funds in Lloyds Current Account.


MMF CONTRIBUTIONS given this year, including October, £15,000.

This leaves £5,846 on this year’s call.

10 MONTHS MINISTRY is £17,380.


After some discussion, it was proposed by Trish, and seconded by Heather, that we make the total payment for this year to be £18,000, which was the amount originally agreed when the Benefice was set up.

This shows goodwill on our part. It was agreed unanimously.


The remaining expenses for the year are the Church and Hall Insurance - approximately £2,600.

And Churchyard Maintenance approximately £1,500.

The GTECH battery Cleaner for the Church was purchased for £180.


Rosemary Aitken has given £520 to cover the cost of the church hall cleaning for a year.

Gift Aid and GASDs claim for July to September amounted to £1,362.79 received.

Paul and David’s Quiz Night raised £300 for churchyard maintenance.

Tim and Lorraine’s sale of donated goods raised £305, also for churchyard maintenance.



Churchyard Maintenance

Kevin Holcomb has decided not to continue next year, as now finding it too much for him. A letter of thanks to be sent to him.

A quote was received from Truro Garden Centre for £3,500 for the year.

No response was given from Glen Humphries.

However, a quote from Cornwall Landscaping and Tree Surgery Services came in at approximately £750 for the year. After discussion with the Churchwardens, this was accepted as too good to miss.


Church Hall Maintenance

The Church Hall roof had been looked at and some slates replaced. As yet we haven’t received a bill.

As regards the redecorating of the Church Hall, we have had one quote of £3;500 from Mr G. for total redecoration.

We are awaiting a quote from Simon Lovell for cleaning and decoration of the kitchen, toilets and entrance hall, and patching of the ceiling in the main room.

We received good advice regarding the control of condensation in the kitchen - open the kitchen hatch to increase the airflow.


As usual, Trish had managed and reported all the financial matters superbly, and the PCC wanted to record their thanks to her.


Transition and Church Services in November and December.

Heather gave a full list of all the church services that were now covered in November and December. Paul said that the new rotas and details of these services would be available this Sunday in church.


We have received an offer of Mulled Wine from the Village Shop for our forthcoming Carol Service on the 15th December.


Janet and Paul now attend Parish Council Meetings and this will help to avoid event date clashes in the village. There is now a place on their website for Church events to be listed.


In the New Year, Paul said there would be a pattern of Jane Darlington taking the first Sunday service of each month, with Holy Communion taking place every second Sunday of each month by visiting clergy.

It was decided to ask early if Archdeacon Clive could take our Easter Service.


As regards the period of Transition, we have no idea as to how long we shall be without a vicar. The three churches will still form the Benefice, and with Martin Pinnock supporting Feock Church, we hope that bridges can be built ready for the appointment of our new vicar.


Succession Planning

With both Paul stepping down as Churchwarden in April, and Trish stepping down as Treasurer, we as a PCC have to keep looking and talking to congregation members who could take over these roles.

Trish has the systems well established now for an easier record of the accounts, and she will be prepared to help anyone new to the role of Treasurer during the changeover.


Open Day Postponement

As the advert was somehow missed being printed in October’s Perran News, it was decided to rearrange the event, provisionally, to Saturday 5th April, 2025.


Any Other Business

As Rev Karen has already left, Janet has arranged to go to the School’s Harvest Festival, in her place.


Ian Halford had asked Kay if the PCC could send a letter of thanks to Mark Pryor for his continued cutting of the hedges around the Graveyard.


Dates of Next Meetings

Standing Committee Meeting - 2pm on Tuesday 7th January, 2025 in the Church Hall.

PCC Meeting - 2pm on Tuesday 14th January, 2025 in the Church Hall.



David led us in the Grace.


The meeting finished at 3:20pm.

Minutes of PCC Meeting on July 9th 2024 at 2pm in the Church Hall


Opening Prayer

Present: Revd. Karen Wilson, Kay Lobb, Juliet Dundon, David Simmons, Heather McCombie, Tony Woodbridge, Paul Stuart, Trish Wilcocks, Janet Thomas, Lorraine Rogers, Tim Rogers, Linda Lloyd, Iris Guinchard


Rosemary Aitken and Ann Rawlinson sent their apologies.

Minutes of the last PCC Meeting

These were agreed and signed by Rev Karen as correct.

Matters arising

Same Sex Blessings to be put on the agenda for the next meeting, as members had wanted time to reflect. Rev Karen would send links to our new Church Warden and new PCC members with information about Same Sex Blessings. As yet, Rev Karen had not received any enquiries from parishioners.

Heartfelt thanks were given to Janet and her team for raising £1200 (plus gift aid) at the Lent Lunches this year. They went very well as usual.


Lorraine said that the action plan and safeguarding policy were all on the dashboard. Posters were on display with procedures for safeguarding concerns or allegations and contained Karen’s and Lorraine’s phone numbers.

She had to make a note of which activities took place on a regular basis in the church hall - namely, U3A, Keep Fit, Pilates (non Church)

and Handbells, Bellringing and some Coffee Meetings (Church linked).

DBS checks were up to date. Some members need to do basic training, with Lorraine’s help.

Domestic Abuse awareness training needs to be done by everyone. Lorraine suggested that we did this as a group in the wintertime.

Although posters and information about safeguarding are around us, Tim suggested that we mention in church each week, to think about those who are struggling or have problems.


Total End of Month June Balance £71,297

Deposit Account £44,583.15 General Fund

£4,791.84 Bells & Tower Fund

Remainder in Lloyds Current Account


£638 Interest from our deposit accounts, for the second quarter of year.

£1000 received from Owen Blatchly’s estate (from David Hoddinott) into Fabric Fund. A letter of thanks has been sent.

£650 Parish Grant for Churchyard Maintenance.

£1060.01 raised by the Plant Sale.


£7500 MMF contribution to end of June.

£2000 sent in July.

(MMF CALL FOR THE YEAR = £20,846.28)

Church Copyright Licences have been renewed.

Second Quarter Parochial Fees have been sent to the Diocese.


Gift Aid and Small Donations claim has been submitted for the second quarter and should yield £1000 which again is used to support our MMF call.


Trish has completed and returned the Energy Footprint Tool for 2023.


Cost of Churchyard Maintenance.

Kevin is only continuing with this until the end of the year, so we need to be considering options from January.

Maybe Glen Humphries, depending on cost. Maybe a discreet enquiry to the Parish Council on what his fees are.

As an aside, a social media complaint about the churchyard was seen briefly, but quickly taken down. No one was really sure what that was all about.


Church hall Cleaning,

Tracy has taken over from Sophie from the beginning of June and will see how it goes. The funding of £10 per week, has initially be covered by a donation in May 2023, and has now been fully spent and so is now coming out of the general fund. Rosemary has indicated that she will donate a similar sum this year to cover cleaning costs.


Church Cleaning

Trish proposed, and Paul seconded, a motion to buy a Lightweight Battery GTech hoover or similar to use. The other vacuum cleaners were getting old, were heavy, and needed the extension lead to reach everywhere, and a new one would be easier for our volunteer cleaners to use.

This was passed unanimously.



Quiz on September 7th in the Village Hall - being organised by Paul and David.


Facebook Marketplace Sale of Donated Goods - Tim and Lorraine were happy to continue to do this, but needed new goods to sell. A notice to be given out in church.


Plant Sale - Janet and Heather felt unable to continue with it in its present form, SO much physical work is involved.


Paul had an idea about producing a book to sell for church funds, with contributions from both congregation members and the local school. This is to be investigated further and considered at our next meeting.



Treasurer - Trish had wanted to stand down as Treasurer this year, but without anyone taking it over, has continued for what will be her final year. We need try and find a successor. Tony is still willing to help a new Treasurer.


Churchwarden - Paul has said that this will be his last year being a Churchwarden, having held the post for nine years. Again we need to find someone else willing to take on the role.


Janet proposed a vote of thanks to them both, for tirelessly doing the roles for so long.


Confidential Discussion regarding an application for training within the Truro Diocese

Following explanations of procedures and training, the application was fully supported by the remaining members of the PCC.



After discussion, Lorraine proposed that the survey be rejected and removed from the website (it was in St Piran’s PCC password protected section) and other forms of outreach be considered at the next meeting. Juliet seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously.



Church Hall Roof - several tiles had slipped and it was being looked at as soon as possible. Hopefully damp problems will be avoided by prompt action.


Church Hall Kitchen and Toilets

These need redecoration, the funding for which needs PCC approval. Paul proposed and Kay seconded, that the funding be approved. Carried unanimously.


Any Other Business



Dates of Next Meetings.

Standing Committee Meeting - 2pm, Tuesday 1st October in the Church Hall.

PCC Meeting - 2pm, Tuesday 8th October in the Church Hall.



Minutes of the Vestry Meeting after the Church Service on Sunday March 17th, 2024.


Present: All members of the PCC, with the exception of Veronica Eccleston and Tim Rogers who sent their apologies.


Rev Karen Wilson called the meeting so that the PCC could accept the financial report of St Piran’s Church, prior to the forthcoming APCM meeting.


Tricia outlined the general financial position as being very similar to last year. Tim Best had examined the reports as being a true representation. The accounts were accepted unanimously and a huge thanks was given to Trish for all the work involved.

Minutes of PCC Meeting on January 16th 2024 at 2pm in the Church Hall


Opening Prayer



All members of the PCC were in attendance.


Opening statement by Rev Karen

Karen thanked everyone for all the hard work that had gone into the funerals of Owen and John at the weekend. She had received many emails commending the warm welcome in the church.


Minutes of the last PCC meeting

These were agreed and signed by Karen.

Tony, David and Tim were all concerned that they were not receiving emails from me about the minutes, and Paul agreed to look into this.

They are always available to PCC members through the website.


Matters arising

Janet told us that following her visit to Perranarworthal School, Trish and her went into the school in December to make Christingles with the children.

The headteacher accompanied four children to take part in our Christingle Service. She also attended our Carol Service and played the harp for us to enjoy.

It is hoped that this is the start of a good school / church relationship.


Living in Love and Faith

Karen explained that from December 17th 2023, prayers and blessings for some sex relationships can now be used during a Church Service, but not as a stand alone service. The House of Bishops are still in discussion about a separate same sex blessing service.

If St Piran’s wanted to use these prayers for same sex partnerships in a Sunday Service, it would have to be approved by the PCC first.

There followed a lengthy discussion as to how this would work in practice and if we wanted to approve the use of them. Initially, any couple would have to ask Rev Karen first and have a pastoral discussion with her. Only priests could carry out the blessing, not lay worship leaders. It would be announced in advance that a blessing would be included in a Sunday Service. It was felt that we wanted to continue to be a welcoming church to all.

When put to a vote, 9 were in favour, and 4 were in favour too, but wanted to give the prayers that we choose to use, further thought and reflection.

Karen explained that the Liturgy can be found on the Church of England’s website under ‘Living in Love and Faith.’


Preparation of Reports for APCM on Sunday 14th April 2024

It was explained to the secretary that these reports would have to be collated and then displayed for a fortnight before the meeting, so the deadline to send them to Kay was agreed as March 1st 2024.

Kay was going to do a zoom course to help organise her first APCM.


Succession Management

Trish reminded us that she no longer wanted to be Treasurer after April. Tony offered to help any new treasurer appointed. A unanimous vote of thanks was given to Trish, for all the hard work she has done over the years.

David also said that he was standing down as Churchwarden in April.

Veronica may be leaving in July too, so we would need another Sacristan then.

Karen agreed to give out in the notices that we are looking for people to take over these roles. All the PCC members would also give thought to how these roles could be filled.



Trish reported that the finances were in a healthy state, with total monetary assets for end of year to Dec 31st being £63,438. (This is very similar to last year). £40,358 was in the CCLA deposit account, so that it could gain 5% interest.


The MMF paid for 2023 was £18,000.

Church/ Church Hall Insurance £2,890.

Churchyard Maintenance £1,100.

Wheelchair Ramp £126.

Deposit for Altar Frontal £1,704.

Welcome Cards £64.

Candle holders £60.

All other utility and maintenance bills paid in full.


Regular Giving and Plate Collections totalled £19,500.

A donation of £500 was received from Judy Carver for the altar frontal in memory of David Golding.


The Fundraising Total for the year was £1,695.


Breakfasts / Sausage Sizzler Total for year was £1030.85, and put in the Waterside Account.


Charitable Giving Total for the year was £2,165, plus Lent Lunches raised £1510 + gift aid £227.

It was decided to continue with the Church Coffee Money going to Save the Children, and some of the Coffee Stop Money to go to the Women’s Refuge, Truro.



There would be a plant sale again this year, and Paul was set to do another quiz in September.



Lorraine asked if in future, Safeguarding could be higher up in the agenda, due to its ongoing importance. This was duly noted.


Lorraine had received an online survey to complete for the Church of England External Safeguarding Audit. She had already completed hers, but asked for the survey to be sent to all members of the PCC for others to complete too.


The new posters entitled The Five Standards (of safeguarding) had been received for display. The five standards concern

1 Culture, Leadership and Capability

2 Prevention

3 Recognising, Assessing and Managing

4 Victims and Survivors

5 Learning, Supervision and Support

These were unanimously accepted by the PCC, and will need to be reaffirmed at the APCM each year.


There is a Safeguarding link on the website for up to date information.

There is a Safer Recruitment Course accessible online which Janet had already completed. Other PCC members can do this too.


Lorraine was thanked for all her hard work involved in keeping up with the Safeguarding procedures.


Feedback from Ministry Meeting

The meeting had been postponed and rescheduled for a later date.


Lent Course

The Waterside Churches Lent Course would start on Wednesday 14th February at 2pm in the Church Hall at St Piran’s. The other dates are 21st, 28th February and 6th, 13th March. The course is based on a book called Balance.



Janet still needed more volunteers to help her run the Lent Lunches on Tuesdays 20th and 27th February, and 5th, 12th and 19th March.


Paul reported that a National Grid team had inspected the church on Monday morning to see why we had a power outage on Sunday. It was found that the cold snap of weather, and three days of services had overloaded the system and caused the outage. This could be resolved by them, but would need our approval for the go ahead. Trish proposed we approved, David seconded it and it was passed unanimously.


Date of next meeting

APCM to take place on Sunday 14th April after the church service.


Closing Grace

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