The Waterside Churches - Joint Council
Heavenly Father,
together we worship as the Waterside Benefice.
Thank you for your provision and for the opportunity of working together.
We pray for those you have called to our Joint Church Council and PCC's.
Grant them understanding to recognise the needs and opportunities that exist within our three parishes, Grace to provide leadership and develop a vision for The Waterside Benefice and to have, above all, a love for those in our churches and local communities.
As we continue this journey we seek your strength Lord and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we offer this prayer in the name of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
together we worship as the Waterside Benefice.
Thank you for your provision and for the opportunity of working together.
We pray for those you have called to our Joint Church Council and PCC's.
Grant them understanding to recognise the needs and opportunities that exist within our three parishes, Grace to provide leadership and develop a vision for The Waterside Benefice and to have, above all, a love for those in our churches and local communities.
As we continue this journey we seek your strength Lord and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we offer this prayer in the name of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.
The Waterside Churches Joint Council provides prayerful and reflective leadership and direction with responsibility for the following:
1. Mission
2. Ministry
3. Finance
We look to build God’s kingdom in the parishes. Our prayer is that we will be a blessing to many, and enable many to be sustained in worship, ministry and mission in a post - Covid world. We are looking to envision a future for the Waterside Churches which will be inclusive, exciting, deepen discipleship and provide support for both the church and local communities spiritually and practically.
1/. The Waterside Churches is in the process of becoming a benefice. It is governed by a Joint Council.
2/. The Joint Council has delegated responsibility for various aspects of The Waterside Churches' common life, as formally delegated by the three PCCs of the benefice.
3/. The Joint Council has delegated oversight of the following:
a/. Mission - Oversight and support of the mission of The Waterside Churches.
b/. Ministry - Oversight and support of the ministry of clergy and lay leaders.
c/. Stewardship - Responsibility for developing a common approach to stewardship
d/. MMF - Responsibility for oversight of the payment of MMF, with each PCC retaining responsibility for the actual payments..
4/. Each church has its own PCC, which retains responsibility for the custodianship of assets (including investments, cash and buildings), plus care of the local church and other buildings and payment pf MMF.
5/. The PCCs pay funds into a central account, administered via The Joint Council, from which the expenses of the incumbent are paid.
6/. Administration for The Waterside Churches is looked after by a volunteer as we are keen to ensure that Rev'd Karen Wilson, our new Priest in Charge, is not unduly burdened by administrative issues.
7/. The appointment of a priest in charge of the new benefice is initially for three years.
8/. A review of the possibility of becoming one parish and the appointment of the priest in charge will be carried out at the end of the three year period. This will be conducted by the Archdeacon, with input from the Rural Dean, Priest and Churchwardens.
9/. The criteria for the review will be to focus on ‘fruitfulness and sustainability’ with specific attention regarding the effectiveness of a Joint Council, financial sustainability for the churches and payment of MMF.
Rev'd. Karen Wilson, at least one Churchwarden from each church, (Anne Ramsden from Devoran, Robert Talbot from St. Feock, Paul Stuart from St. Piran's), Ian Halford and Trish Wilcocks from St. Piran's, Adrian Walker from Devoran.