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A Notice giving the prospects of proposed pastoral re-organisation has or will be displayed near the main church door and on the Church of England website. The Notice includes the last date by which representations regarding the proposed re-organisation may be made to the Church Commissioners.


The Truro Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee has prepared a draft Pastoral Scheme for:

Part I

(i) the dissolution of the benefice of St Stithians with Perranarworthal and Gwennap (together with the transfer of its parsonage house to the Truro Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd for diocesan purposes), the dissolution of the benefice of Chacewater with St Day and Carharrack and also the dissolution of the parish of St Stithians with Perranarworthal and Gwennap;

(ii) the creation of The Waterside Benefice (its area to comprise of the three distinct parishes of (renamed) St John and St Petroc, Devoran; St Feock; and (new) Perranarworthal), the transfer of the parsonage house of the benefice of St John, Devoran to the Truro Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd for diocesan purposes and for the future patronage arrangements for the new benefice;

(iii) the creation of the new benefice of The Five Saints (its area to comprise of the four distinct parishes of Chacewater; St Day; Gwennap; and (new) St Stithians), the appointment of its first incumbent, his place of residence to be the parsonage house of the benefice of Chacewater with St Day and Carharrack and for the future patronage arrangements for the new benefice; and

Part II

(iv) the union of the four constituent parishes of The Five Saints benefice – which is to take effect 36 months after the proposed new benefice has come into being in the diocese of Truro.

The draft Scheme is on the Commissioners’ website or you may obtain a copy from me. Large print and/or audio copies are available on request.

 Anyone may make representations to the Church Commissioners for or against all or any part or part of the draft Scheme (please include the reasons for your views) preferably by email or post to reach the Commissioners no later than midnight on Monday 19 July 2021. Please send your representation by email to or letter marked for the attention of Rex Andrew, Pastoral Division, Church Commissioners, Church House, Great Smith Street, LONDON SW1P 3AZ

 If they have not acknowledged receipt of your representation before this date, please ring 020 7898 1743 or e-mail them to ensure it has been received. For administrative purposes, a petition will be classed as a single representation and the Commissioners will only correspond with the sender of the petition, if known, or otherwise the first signatory – “the primary petitioner”.

 When making a representation, please also indicate the nature of your interest in the proposals (e.g. parishioner, member of parochial church council, etc) and whether you would like an opportunity to speak to the Committee regarding your representation if the Commissioners decide a hearing should be held regarding the case.

 If they receive representations against the draft Scheme, they will send them, and any representations supporting the draft Scheme, to the Bishop whose views will be sought. Individual representors and the primary petitioner will then receive copies of the correspondence with the Bishop (including copies of all the representations) and will be told whether a hearing is to be held. They and individual petitioners may comment further to the Commissioners. Copies of all of the representations received and associated correspondence will normally be published on the Commissioners’ website if the matter needs to be considered by them.

 If a hearing is held, anyone may attend the meeting of the Commissioners that considers the case and representors may have an opportunity to speak to their Committee. Otherwise, if a hearing is not to be held, the case will be considered in private and you will be informed accordingly.

 When they acknowledge representations the Commissioners will let individual representors (and the primary petitioner) know the next few dates of their Committee’s meetings. They will confirm the actual date if a hearing is to be held nearer the time.

 The Commissioners’ will decide if the draft Scheme should proceed when they consider all the representations on the basis of a paper prepared by the Commissioners’ staff and any points raised at the meeting.

 The Commissioners will notify all representors of their decision and give a statement of the reasons for it.

 If they so decide, any representor or petitioner against the draft Scheme may seek leave from the Privy Council to appeal against the decision.

 Please see the Commissioners’ website for further information about the procedure

Simon Cade - Secretary to Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee 1 June 2021

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