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St. Piran's APCM 2022


          Paul Stuart, David Simmons, Patricia Wilcocks, Lorraine Rogers, Tim Rogers, Cynthia Dowding, John Dowding, Ann Rawlinson, Jillian Allen, Linda Lloyd, Philip Lloyd, Ian Halford, Sally Tregoning, Owen Blatchly, Rosemary Aitken, Felicity Hyde, Tony Hyde, Jacqui Bray, Mary Slattery, Ann Towsey, Gerald Chegwidden, Clive Buckingham, Janet Buckinhgham, Christine Miners, Keith Miners, Jackie Gumb, Heather McCombie,      Barbara Wood, David Wood, Alun Thomas, Graham Kay, Tim Best, Jan Tuffley, Iris Guinchard, Juliet Dundon, Janet Thomas.


          Paul Stuart, as Lay Chair, began by giving details of procedure.


          Revd. Karen Wilson; Kay Lobb


          Patricia Wilcocks explained that these elections were not part of the PCC elections. There were 2 people standing.

          David Simmons, (6th year). Proposed by Janet Thomas, seconded by Iris Guinchard.

          Paul Stuart (3rd year of extension). The Bishop and Revd. Karen had given permission for the extension. Proposed by Jacqui Hopwood, seconded by Alun Thomas.

          Both were, individually, elected unanimously, with no votes against or abstensions.

        Patricia called for a show of thanks for David and Paul for their work, and there was applause from the congregation.


David Simmons: Proposed by Patricia Wilcocks, seconded by Janet Thomas.

Rosemary Aitken: Proposed by David Simmons, seconded by Paul Stuart.

Both elected unanimously.


          1/. FINANCE:

          Patricia Wilcocks, as Treasurer, gave a summary of the financial   situation to the end of 2022. This was the first full year as part of the Waterside Benefice with our new Priest in Charge. Our overall cash assets were £63,319, which is an increase upon the previous year of £5,176. Our level of giving has been maintained and she expressed thanks to all concerned for their generosity and consistency. We contributed £19,000 to the Mission and Ministry Fund.

          Patricia asked that, even though we are in difficult times, people consider reviewing their giving.

      The Fund raisers have worked very hard this year and the income raised enabled us to purchase a new exterior church noticeboard, a new cupboard and console table for the church and new tables for the church Hall.

          Patricia gave her gratitude for the time, commitment and efforts put in by our Priest in Charge, Local Worship leaders, Church Wardens and very many others who work quietly behind the scenes to keep the Church, Churchyards, and Church Hall so well maintained. She also thanked Annie Hewitt for her    help with the accounts and Tim Best for examining the accounts and agreeing to be our independent examiner in   2023.

          The full financial report is in the printed Annual Report, copies of which are available upon request. Patricia’s commentary is   also there and on the website.

          Paul thanked our Treasurer for her hard work and diligence, without which our finances would not be so well looked after. Her commitment to the work over a long period must not be underestimated.

          2/. SAFEGUARDING:

          Lorraine Rogers reported that significant progress has been made and thanked everybody for their co-operation. Six members of the PCC are fully up to date with their training, including the Leadership Module, five have either CO or C1 training and three more will complete their training during 2023. All events held on any of our premises are fully risk    assessed. Lorraine said she intends to have a big push on training this year.

          Paul gave our thanks to Lorraine for her work. It is not easy to ensure our safeguarding requirements are met, but we are in safe hands with Lorraine at the helm.

          3/. CHURCHWARDENS:

          Paul started by asking people to read the full Wardens’ Report on the website or in print. He said that he has been asked many times what makes our church special. His reply is that, apart from the fact that it so well maintained and lovingly looked after in all areas, it is the people who are at the heart of making it so special. Everybody who works so hard and all who attend mean we have a special place here and in the community. The     full report gives more detail of some of the work done tirelessly and selflessly by many people.

          One significant development has been the start of a Craft and Activity group for children. This meets monthly and we hope it will grow as time goes by. The Wardens are committed to growing this aspect of church life.

          Both David and Paul are grateful for the wonderful support given by the congregation. It makes the job of Churchwarden that much easier.

          4/. ORGAN

          Juliet Dundon reported that our organ is well maintained by Lance Foy and is working well.

          Paul thanked her for all her work during the year. We are blessed to have such a good and committed organist at St. Piran’s.

          5/. BELLS

          David Simmons reported that it has not been an easy year, but the bells continue to be rung for Sunday worship and regular practice takes place on Tuesday evenings. He said that he hopes more people will come forward to learn to ring or lapsed ringers will return. There has been a problem with one of the bells which necessitated specialist repair. The cost was   substantial. More details are in the full report.

          6/. ELECTORAL ROLL:

          Heather McCombie said there are 61 people on our Electoral Roll, which is an increase on last year’s number, despite the sad passing of several of our congregation. There have been 4 new names added and one deleted.

          Paul completed the reporting part of the meeting by thanking each and every person who gives their time and skills for the benefit of our church.


          The meeting moved on to deal with the three places available for election to the PCC. Each was electable for 3 years.      Nominations were as follows:

          Patricia Wilcocks: Proposed by Paul Stuart, seconded by Alun Thomas

          Janet Thomas: Proposed by Jacqui Hopwood, seconded by Paul   Stuart         

          Ann Rawlinson: Proposed by Jacqui Hopwood, seconded by Juliet Dundon.

          All were elected unanimously.


          There being no other business, the meeting closed.



LAY CHAIR: To be decided at the first full PCC meeting, date below.

TREASURER: Patricia Wilcocks: proposed by Paul Stuart, seconded by David Simmons. Elected unanimously. Patricia thanked everybody for their support and said that this will be her final year as Treasurer.

SECRETARY: Kay Lobb: Proposed by Janet Thomas, Seconded by Rosemary Aitken. Elected unanimously.

SAFEGUARDING: Lorraine Rogers: Proposed by Rosemary Aitken, seconded by Ann Rawlinson. Elected unanimously.


Heather McCombie. (Not on PCC). Elected unanimously.

Co-opted: Juliet – organist; elected unanimously.


Paul gave a vote of thanks to Jacqui Hopwood as she steps away from being Secretary. She has worked hard in trying circumstances, and has kept us all well informed and up to date.

Lorraine Rogers asked about the role of a Benefice Safeguarding Officer. She also raised the subject of there being one PCC for the benefice. Paul explained this has never been the plan. Indeed, the Transition work prior to the appointment of our Priest in Charge specifically stated that the PCCs of our three churches will be separate and will look after their own finances and assets. The agreed profile, which can be seen in full on the website on the Home Page under “About Us”, gives full details of the Waterside Churches.

Janet Thomas said that she would be standing down as one of our JCC reps, having completed the year that she promised to give. She went on to give an eloquent report of how she feels about the JCC and what it is for. In summary, she feels its role should be re-examined and redefined and how our churches are represented on it should be looked at. Patricia Wilcocks said that she feels the JCC is a small body which tends to direct from the top down and this has the effect of diminishing the importance and involvement of the PCCs in the Benefice.

Please note the next meetings:

STANDING COMMITTEE (Priest in Charge, Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary) MEETING:  Thursday 4th May. 2.00pm.

PCC MEETING:  Tuesday 16th May. 2.00pm Church Hall

Paul thanked everybody and the meeting closed.

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