St. Piran’s Church, Perran-ar-Worthal
Perran-ar-Worthal Parochial Church Council
Annual Church Reports - year ending 31st December 2021
Re Constitution:
The principal objective of the PCC is to further the work of the Church of England in the Parish of Perranarworthal. St Piran’s Church is situated in Church Road, Perranarworthal.
The PCC is a body corporate and a charity excepted from registration.
Review of the Year
The Parochial Church Council for 2021:
Paul Stuart Churchwarden and Lay Chair
David Simmonds Churchwarden/ Ringing Captain/Deanery Synod Rep
Jacqui Hopwood Secretary
Patricia Wilcocks Treasurer
Christine Ryall
Juliet Dundon Organist
Janet Thomas
Heather McCombie Electoral Roll
Sue Perry (resigned mid-year)
Veronica Eccleston
Kay Lobb
Tim Rogers
Lorraine Rogers Safeguarding
Rosemary Aitken Deanery Synod Representative
The full PCC held 4 virtual meetings via zoom and met 4 times in the Church Hall, plus the APCM and one vestry meeting.
Priest in Charge
Priest in Charge: Revd. Karen Wilson
Lloyds Bank plc
11 Killigrew Street
Cornwall TR11 3RA
PCC Secretary
Mrs J Hopwood
Treworthal Road
Perranwell Station
Truro TR3 7QB
Independent Examiner
Mr Tim Best
Long View
Silver Hill
Perranwell Station
Annual Report
All financial reports have been independently checked and approved and are available on request
Churchwardens' Report
It has been an extraordinary year on many fronts. If we had to settle on one word with which to describe it, “change” springs to mind. This is never easy at the best of times, but when Coronavirus decided to stay with us, life became more difficult.
The major change for us was the setting up of The Waterside Churches. It was not an easy process and we had to fight our corner many times, but we now work alongside our friends at St. Feock and Devoran churches as we seek to grow in fruitfulness and ensure a stable future. This was done at a time when the Diocese and Deaneries were struggling with uncertain finances, and the national picture showed decreasing congregations. We have built a website for the Waterside Churches, which is playing an increasingly important role in outreach and improving our communication with the community and beyond. This can be found at www.thewatersidechurches.com We also moved from Carnmarth North to Powder Deanery as part of the change.
We sought and appointed a new Priest in Charge. Revd. Karen Wilson, joined us in the latter part of the year and certainly hit the ground running. She has already set up a collection of teams which deal with specific aspects of our work. A Joint Council now has oversight of the mission of the three churches and the PCCs remain intact to look after more local matters, including our finances and assets. We look forward to working with her as we strive to look after our congregation, become more central to the life of our parish, and reach out to the younger people around us.
Coronavirus continued to pose many challenges for us all. The year has seen a variety of Covid regimes which have had to be dealt with. It was easy when the Government dictated legal strictures, but when only guidelines were in force, we had to make decisions for ourselves. Your Wardens were continually having to assess and re-assess health risks as we tried to maintain services. There were times when we disliked having to impose certain restrictions, but felt they were necessary to keep us all as safe as possible. We hope we didn’t upset too many people along the way! The striking thing must be just how we have come together and supported each other in so many ways. Attendance remained strong and we look forward to building on that base. We are blessed with a special congregation and we shall surely emerge stronger and more united.
We wish to thank all the clergy and lay leaders who led our worship throughout the year. Our special thanks must be extended to Janet Thomas, who has made sure we emerge from lockdown in a meaningful and prayerful way.
Our grateful thanks are also extended to so many of the congregation who reliably assist with all the tasks required to keep the church, hall and grounds clean, well maintained and ready. It is important to recognise the commitment of people who continue to give generously both of their time and money. Without this we could not maintain or improve our lovely church.
Our Methodist friends have been worshipping with us for some years now and there is a real feeling of harmony and friendship in our integrated congregation. That strength and unity will stand us in good stead as we move forward with our new arrangements.
We are disappointed that work with young people has still to happen. Now, more than ever, is the time for us to tackle this issue with vigour. There is an obvious opportunity within the new grouping. For the sake of the future we must deal with this in 2022.
Prior to lockdown, the Fellowship Group met regularly and the weekly Coffee Stop provided a much appreciated meeting place. We look forward to these happening again as quickly as possible.
The fundraising team was again busy, despite lockdown difficulties. Tim and Lorraine’s lunches have had to be put, sadly, on hold. Paul’s book sales raised a good deal of money, and they are still available. The Plant Sale defied Coranavirus to become its usual success. The Oggymen concert in the church was a wonderful occasion, and they will return in 2022. Without the funds raised by the team, and supported by all, our finances would be far less healthy. Thanks must go to all who helped in any way with all of these. We are grateful to everybody who donated so generously in all sorts of ways. Without this the church would be in a very different situation. It is also important to note that the pandemic caused a drop in income as plate collections stopped during lockdown. (NB. The Treasurer also pointed out a drop in expenditure, which she knows is temporary!) We must thank all who have found other ways to help with income and have come up trumps now we are using the church again. A special thanks must go to Trish Wilcocks, our Treasurer. She keeps a trusty grip on our finances and gives good guidance along the way.
The major disappointment of the year was the vandalism in the closed churchyard. This happened around November 5th. We have identified the names on the headstones and traced relatives and contacts. Our intention is to piece together the various bits of the headstones that remain and lay them on the ground. It will not be possible to have them vertical again. Before and after pictures will, we hope, provide some comfort. We were, however, struck by the strongly supportive reaction of the community. We feel it showed just how much our church is valued, and we hope people will remember that and not just use it for baptisms, weddings and funerals.
Finally, we would both like to thank all who have helped us during the year. The job of Church Warden has grown incredibly and we really value the support we receive.
David Simmons
Paul Stuart
Church Wardens
Deanery Report
In some senses, as a result of the pandemic, there is little to report this year though there has been one significant change. With the formation of the Waterside Churches, Perranarworthal has formally become part of the Powder Deanery (of which Devoran and Feock were already members).
Because of Covid restrictions there have only been two physical meeting of the Deanery Synod since the last AGM, both dealing with the bishop’s mission initiative “On the Way”. These were also thrown open to any members of the congregation who wished to participate, so were in that respect unusual, and were also available on Zoom. Your representatives attended both on-line but were able to contribute.
The first meeting considered the relevance of the parable of the sower to the outreach of the church. (It was concluded that ‘good seed’ was necessary for harvest, but that it should not be restricted to known ‘fertile soil’ – that is, existing members of the church community!). The second was devoted to reports from the four working groups, who have been conducting surveys in their areas about ways in which the church could be more fruitful and sustainable. This is work in progress and further results (for instance of parish questionnaires) are promised later in the year.
We look forward to working more normally in future with our new partners, and to be able to update you on Deanery matters, including finance. Our new Rural Dean, Marc Baker, has already attended one zoom meeting of the PCC.
Rosemary Aitken and David Simmons.
Church Organ and Choir Report
Thank you to the Congregation for their support over the past year, it has been so different with very little singing due to Covid restrictions.
Our Choir members are much appreciated for their support.
The Organ has been maintained by Lance Foy, with two visits for tuning, etc, and is in fine condition.
We look forward to hopefully getting back to normal soon.
Juliet Dundon.
Tower Secretary's Report
2021 commenced with our band membership numbering 7 adults and 1 junior, although due to Covid 19 restrictions we were unable to ring as a band until mid-August. However, Alun Thomas continued to chime a bell before Sunday services
On 17th August 2021 we restarted our Tuesday evening practices, and then rang for a wedding on August 22nd! We rang again for a wedding on 18th September 2021. We also rang for a funeral on 9th October 2021.
Due to practice recommended by the Central Council for Bell Ringers, and the small size of the ringing chamber, all members of the band wear face masks.
In November 2021 the make-up of our band changed to 8 adults as George (Stevens) attained his majority! We celebrated after practice with cupcakes, Prosecco, sherry and juice.
We are most grateful to Christine Isles, a ringer from Stithians, who supports our band with continuing attendance at practices, and helps make up numbers for weddings and funerals.
We are grateful to all the members of the band for their continued support.
Christiana Hancox
Perran-ar-Worthal Handbell Ringers
The Handbell Ringers began practicing again in October after a break of 18 Months. We need to meet in the Church Hall in order to be socially distanced. We are meeting on Monday mornings as the evenings proved difficult. Loading and unloading equipment in the dark was not safe.
Our only public performance in 2021 was at our Church Carol Service.
Our membership is still stable at twelve ‒ one person has moved away, and we have one new member.
We hope to get back to something like normal in 2022
Janet Thomas
Perranwell Christian Fellowship
2020 began with plans for Lent Lunches and Lent Studies. Our Lent Lunch charities were Guide Dogs and Sight Savers. We managed two Lent Lunches before lockdown, consequently we were only able to make a small donation to each charity but let them know that we would support them again sometime in 2021.
Our Lent Study was based on the musical “Jesus Christ Superstar” and also only lasted for two sessions. Some of us joined in an Advent course organised by Jonathan Rowe. Sadly, we have been unable to get together, but have kept in touch by email and telephone.
We look forward to meeting again sometime later in 2021.
Janet Thomas
Fund Raising and Social Report
The fundraising team are Jacqui Hopwood, Veronica Eccleston, Heather McCombie, Janet Thomas, Tricia Wilcocks, Ann Rawlinson, David Simmons, Paul Stuart, Lorraine and Tim Rogers.
Due to the ongoing pandemic no face- to- face meetings were held but fundraising has continued thanks to the efforts of individuals.
The Plant Sale organised by Janet Thomas and Heather McCombie was conducted by online and phone orders and buying direct Janet’s green house. The event raised £887 which was a marvellous result. The money went to the General Fund to support Mission and Ministry.
We also received in total £770 from Paul Stuart from the sales of his books.
The very enjoyable evening concert in church with the Oggymen raised £260.
The highly successful sale of items donated by parishioners and handled by Tim and Lorraine Rogers is still ongoing and the amount raised will be shown in next year’s report as will the sale of Christmas cards.
There were also individual donations.
Events like the bridge drive and other social events were not possible this year but hopefully the pandemic is now loosening its grip and events will become easier to organise and run in the coming months.
My sincere thanks to all the fundraisers for their time and effort and to everyone who has helped in any way.
We raised approximately £2000 in 2021 which is amazing in the current situation.
Patricia Wilcocks February 2022
Church Flowers
It was decided that the cost of buying new flowers every two weeks was becoming prohibitive. Therefore, it was decided to spend a sum of money to have a quantity of good quality artificial flowers that could be used instead. In addition, the smaller number of people able to assist regularly with flower arranging was another factor in making this decision.
There has, therefore, been a pedestal of these flowers, together with fresh greenery cut from the garden, throughout the past year
Jane Halford
Tuesday Work Party
If you should venture up to the churchyard on a Tuesday morning, rain and wind permitting, you will find a dedicated team of enthusiastic workers. They have been meeting for many years and continued to do work there throughout the lockdown.
At about 11.00 am, a break for coffee and chat is needed. Please feel free to join us.
Coffee Stop
It has been a year of stopping and starting. In September 2021, meetings resumed at the Village Hall, this time in the West Room. This room has an outlook across the playing field and has much better light and ventilation. There is also the advantage that it has direct access to the kitchen.
People were very pleased to be able to socialise once again in this way and the meetings have been very well supported. We have given a further donation to Pearl of Africa, the charity that we assist each year with the money raised over coffee after the services on Sundays.
Since Coffee Stop started in 2010, £2,300 have been donated to a variety of charities, thanks to the generosity of everyone who attends each week.
The Team
‘Vicar’s Report’ for The Waterside Churches’ APCMs
The report below is from our Assistant Curate, Revd Dr Jonathan Rowe and covers the part of the year prior to my appointment. This was sent to me by Jonathan and it is a direct ‘copy and paste’.
· The churches advertised, interviewed and appointed Revd. Karen Wilson as the first Priest-in-Charge of the Waterside Churches.
· Revd. Karen's arrival was eagerly anticipated during March to July, which was a period of slow, and delayed, coming out of lockdown.
· Services continued in all three churches, led by Jonathan Rowe, Curate, Jane Darlington, Reader, and Janet Thomas and Nina Davey, Local Worship Leaders as well as visiting priests.
· The Zoom Lent course followed Living His Story, the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2021, by Hannah Steele. Participants from all three churches joined for lively discussion.
· A number of much loved members of our congregations died during this time and church members were able to support the bereaved despite the restrictions of lockdown, which included a limit on numbers at funerals.
· Alongside our sorrow were moments of joy, including weddings and baptisms which had been delayed because of covid.
· Covid lockdowns tested our faith as well as prompting us to explore new ways of supporting each other that we hope will stand us in good stead for the future.
I began my ministry in The Waterside Churches in a joyful Licensing service in St Feock Church on 27th July 2021, conducted by Bishop Hugh and assisted by our Rural Dean, Marc Baker.
My ministry began by getting out on foot and walking around the village meeting parishioners and the wider community as well as leading services. It has been a period of getting to know how things work, of building relationships and encouraging the three churches to work together. This work will continue as we look forward and make a conscious effort to ensure that we continue to be a welcoming church who is looking to share the good news of the gospel to all of the community and to grow the faith of all disciples.
Chris and I hosted a ‘social’ to meet and greet parishioners. We are both grateful that we have been given a very warm and supportive welcome to St Piran’s Church.
The church has been consistent in its approach to ‘loving one another’ with regards to its coming out of lockdown restrictions. There has been a careful ad considerate approach to the implementation of the listing of restrictions.
Coffee after services of worship has recently re-started and this has been very well received.
In recent weeks the number of Covid cases has risen again and care is being taken by the Church Wardens and PCC to ensure the congregations’ safety. Restrictions and measures to ensure the safety of the parishioners is under constant review.
Despite it being a difficult time for the church the congregation has been resilient and services of worship have continued. We offer regular Eucharistic services as well as Services of the Word and there is a bi-weekly BCP Holy Communion Service which is supported by a loyal congregation.
Services have been led by me, our LLM Jane Darlington, our reader Janet Thomas and, lately, Chris Wilson (who will soon be licensed as our LWL). Our services are supported by our excellent organist Juliet. Now that we can sing again in church her choice of hymns and her playing has been very much appreciated. The church bells have been rung recently prior and after services now that restrictions have bene lifted and they feel comfortable to do so.
Our ecumenical links with the Methodist Church continue and shared services occur once a month. I have become the co-ordinator for “Churches Together Up The Creek” which is forging closer links with local Methodist chapels and Quaker congregations. St Piran’s Church has been asked to join CTUTC.
There are various services and activities which I am organising on behalf of CTUTC including Lent Talks, an outside service of worship, a walk of witness on Good Friday amongst others.
The Waterside Churches became a benefice in October 2021 and a celebration event was held, well represented by parishioners from the church.
The Waterside Churches now has a JCC which focuses upon mission, outreach and ministry. It also has a bank account specific to the churches work.
I have established a Ministry Team from across all three churches who meet every quarter.
We held an Advent Course, led by me, on Zoom (due to the emergence of the Omicron variant of the virus) which was well attended.
Christmas services had to be curtailed sightly due to the rising numbers of Omicron cases of the virus in the area. The services that we were able to hold were well attended and well received.
There have been times of joy to share with a number of Weddings and Christenings taking place in the church. There have also been times of sorrow with several funerals and burials of ashes held of members of the local village community. Bereaved families have been supported by church members.
There is much to celebrate in St Piran’s church with the numbers attending Sunday services of worship rising and we have recently been joined by new members to our congregation as well as welcoming back those who have been absent due to the Pandemic.
Recent concerts held in the church has also welcomed those who wouldn’t usually visit our church. The concerts and other outreach and fundraising events are being planned, which is working in synergy with the Bishops’ Mission Order.
A ‘Men’s Breakfast’ has been hosted by Chris and I on two occasions and this will become a ‘once a quarter’ event, offering a full English breakfast, fellowship and support for those who are socially isolated.
We have a full complement of Holy Week and Easter Services planned for across all three churches and we will continue our ‘5th Sunday’ joint benefice service. Our Waterside Churches Lent Curse has begun. This year based on Paula Gooders book, ‘Women of Holy Week’ and led by me.
There is a plan in place to re-write the Order of Service for the Service of the word (across all three churches) which will help to ensure that our services are contextual and relevant, especially to those who are new to our church.
The Holy Communion Order of Service is going to be re-formatted into booklet form. Again, this is to make the order of service more accessible and relevant to all parishioners, especially those new to worship. This will be completed by myself and Paul Stuart after Easter.
The “On The Way” process has begun to formulate a plan to ensure that the Powder Deanery is financially sustainable and fruitful in the coming years. St Piran’s church has participated fully in the consultation period to date.
Links by the church community are being forged with the other two churches in the benefice, especially those engaged in children’s and youth ministry. St Piran’s church community have been very pro-active in wishing to work together as a benefice in supporting one another and becoming involved in events and ministry, for which I am very grateful and appreciate all of the time, gifting and energy that has gone into this mission and outreach work.
It is a blessing and a privilege to be the Vicar of St Piran’s church. The church has shown great resilience during a very difficult period which has meant lots of extra work for many volunteers. I am encouraged by the church’s enthusiasm and dedication to building upon its mission and outreach work and its links with the community, of supporting one another and a dedication to increasing its worshipping congregation.
Regular PCC meetings have shown the dedication and time given by its officers and members in their support of their Vicar and church, for which I am very grateful.
The Revd. Karen Wilson
The Waterside Churches
St Feock, St Piran’s, St John & St Petroc
Minutes of APCM St. Piran's Church Perranarworthal, held after service Sunday 3 April 2022
Meeting initially chaired by Paul Stuart, as Rev. Karen Wilson taking service at St. Feock and would arrive
There were 22 adults on the electoral roll present.
Apologies for absence:
Apologies from Heather McCombie. David Harris. Tim and Lorraine Rogers. Veronica Eccleston. Kay Lobb.
Sally Tregonning
Minutes of the previous APCM were proposed and accepted.
Matters arising: None
Vicars report as in the Annual Report and Accounts on display at the back of the church and in the porch.
Churchwardens report to be seen in the Annual Report and Accounts .
A vote of thanks was made to our churchwardens for all their work in shepherding the congregation
through what has proved to be a challenging year with many changes.
Electoral Roll: Many thanks to Heather McCombie for the revision of the electoral roll. There are 58 persons
on the roll, 3 persons came off and 2 new names added.
Financial Report: At the end of the year our overall asset value is £58,143 which is just slightly less than our
reported assets of £58,289 last year. We have paid our call of £18.000 to Mission and Ministry Fund and
have no outstanding debts.
Trish thanked those in the congregation who had responded to her appeal to set up regular monthly
standing orders for giving.
Ian Halford proposed a vote of thanks to our treasurer for the ongoing work she does. All in favour.
Paul Stuart proposed the accounts be accepted. All in favour.
Deanery Synod: Nothing to report. Rosemary Aitken and David Simmonds are our current Deanery reps.
Elections and appointments: Heather McCombie has decided not to stand as a PCC member again. Many
thanks to Heather for all her work and effort over the years. She has agreed to continue in her role as
Electoral Roll officer, and will continue to be in charge of Church Hall bookings.
Tony Woodbridge agreed to stand for PCC as did Chris Ryall and Tim Rogers, all have been proposed and
seconded. Proposed these nominations to the PCC be accepted. All in favour
Many thanks to Tim Best, our independent examiner, who has indicated he is prepared to be the
independent examiner again this year.
A.O.B. Clive Buckingham said a thank you to all who did tasks in so many capacities that contributed to the
life of the church.
Election of Church Wardens, overseen by Revd. Karen Wilson, upon arrival.
Proposal that there is an extension for 1 year for Paul to be church Warden. Unanimously in favour
Paul Stuart and David Simmons have both been nominated as church wardens and duly seconded .
Proposed their nominations be accepted. Unanimously in favour.
The meeting closed at 11.30am with a prayer.
PCC meeting post APCM.
Apologies from Heather,McCombie, Tim and Lorraine Rogers, Kay Lobb Veronica Eccleston
Present:Paul Stuart, DavidSimmons, Janet Thomas, Chris Ryall, Rosemary Aitken, Trish Wilcocks, Tony
Woodbridge, Juliet Dundon, Jacqui Hopwood.
Paul proposed as lay chair by Rosemary, seconded by Juliet
Trish proposed as treasurer by Jacqui, seconded by Janet
Jacqui proposed as secretary by Janet, seconded by Trish.
Lorraine proposed as Safeguarding Officer by Jacqui, seconded by Rosemary
Minutes of APCM St. Piran's Church Perranarworthal, held after service Sunday 3 April 2022
Meeting initially chaired by Paul Stuart, as Rev. Karen Wilson taking service at St. Feock and would arrive
There were 22 adults on the electoral roll present.
Apologies for absence:
Apologies from Heather McCombie. David Harris. Tim and Lorraine Rogers. Veronica Eccleston. Kay Lobb.
Sally Tregonning
Minutes of the previous APCM were proposed and accepted.
Matters arising: None
Vicars report as in the Annual Report and Accounts on display at the back of the church and in the porch.
Churchwardens report to be seen in the Annual Report and Accounts .
A vote of thanks was made to our churchwardens for all their work in shepherding the congregation
through what has proved to be a challenging year with many changes.
Electoral Roll: Many thanks to Heather McCombie for the revision of the electoral roll. There are 58 persons
on the roll, 3 persons came off and 2 new names added.
Financial Report: At the end of the year our overall asset value is £58,143 which is just slightly less than our
reported assets of £58,289 last year. We have paid our call of £18.000 to Mission and Ministry Fund and
have no outstanding debts.
Trish thanked those in the congregation who had responded to her appeal to set up regular monthly
standing orders for giving.
Ian Halford proposed a vote of thanks to our treasurer for the ongoing work she does. All in favour.
Paul Stuart proposed the accounts be accepted. All in favour.
Deanery Synod: Nothing to report. Rosemary Aitken and David Simmonds are our current Deanery reps.
Elections and appointments: Heather McCombie has decided not to stand as a PCC member again. Many
thanks to Heather for all her work and effort over the years. She has agreed to continue in her role as
Electoral Roll officer, and will continue to be in charge of Church Hall bookings.
Tony Woodbridge agreed to stand for PCC as did Chris Ryall and Tim Rogers, all have been proposed and
seconded. Proposed these nominations to the PCC be accepted. All in favour
Many thanks to Tim Best, our independent examiner, who has indicated he is prepared to be the
independent examiner again this year.
A.O.B. Clive Buckingham said a thank you to all who did tasks in so many capacities that contributed to the
life of the church.
Election of Church Wardens, overseen by Revd. Karen Wilson, upon arrival.
Proposal that there is an extension for 1 year for Paul to be church Warden. Unanimously in favour
Paul Stuart and David Simmons have both been nominated as church wardens and duly seconded .
Proposed their nominations be accepted. Unanimously in favour.
The meeting closed at 11.30am with a prayer.
PCC meeting post APCM.
Apologies from Heather,McCombie, Tim and Lorraine Rogers, Kay Lobb Veronica Eccleston
Present:Paul Stuart, DavidSimmons, Janet Thomas, Chris Ryall, Rosemary Aitken, Trish Wilcocks, Tony
Woodbridge, Juliet Dundon, Jacqui Hopwood.
Paul proposed as lay chair by Rosemary, seconded by Juliet
Trish proposed as treasurer by Jacqui, seconded by Janet
Jacqui proposed as secretary by Janet, seconded by Trish.
Lorraine proposed as Safeguarding Officer by Jacqui, seconded by Rosemary