St. Piran’s Church, Perran-ar-Worthal
Perran-ar-Worthal Parochial Church Council
Annual Church Reports - year ending 31st December 2023
Election of Church Wardens:
Election of Churchwardens.
Paul Stuart was unanimously re-elected.
Heather McCombie was unanimously elected too.
The vicar gave a huge vote of thanks to David Simmons as he stepped down from continuing as Churchwarden. His kindness and support had been invaluable.
Re Constitution:
The principal objective of the PCC is to further the work of the Church of England in the Parish of Perranarworthal. St Piran’s Church is situated in Church Road, Perranarworthal.
The PCC is a body corporate and a charity excepted from registration.
Review of the Year
Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting after the Church Service on Sunday April 14th, 2024.
Opening prayers
In attendance were 26 people, plus the vicar, Rev Karen, chairing the meeting.
These were received from Sally Tregoning, Rosemary Aitken, Jane Halford and Tim Rogers.
Minutes of the previous APCM
These were signed as a true account.
Matters arising
These had all been available to see in the booklets of Annual Church Reports and Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2023, at the back of the Church and in the Church Porch.
Vicar’s Report
The vicar thanked everyone for resilience, love and faith shown in a difficult year. She particularly gave thanks to our Safeguarding Officer, Lorraine, for doing such a thorough job in the spotlight. Volunteers in every capacity were also thanked. The year had contained lots of highlights.
Churchwardens’ Report
The vicar said that the churchwardens' report must be restricted to dealing with maintenance only.
Paul indicated that the Church Hall was showing signs of damp, and that the roof needed looking at.
He thanked the Tuesday morning group for keeping ivy away.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish stated that at the end of 2023 the cash assets of £63,438 were very similar to the previous year of £63,319.
There was £16,000 in the Fabric Fund, but grants would be needed for any major work.
There was £23,000 in the General Fund.
£18,000 was paid to the Ministry Fund this year.
We had received £650 from the Parish Council towards upkeep of the cemetery.
We also received £500 in memory of David Golding.
A total of £20,355 was received in planned giving, and this includes £4,750 recovered in Gift Aid from UK taxpayers.
Unfortunately this year there had been more funerals and less weddings in the church.
Trish thanked Annie Hewitt for helping her prepare the accounts, and Tim Best for examining them.
A huge vote of thanks was given to Trish by all.
Safeguarding Report
Lorraine reported that all the safeguarding declarations had been signed and were correct.
Training is still ongoing.
Electoral Roll
Heather said that the number on the electoral roll had gone up from 61 to 64, despite two being lost due to their sad passing.
Deanery Synod Report
Rosemary and David attended meetings on our behalf, and will continue for another two years.
Elections to PCC
Lorraine Rogers and Kay Lobb were re-elected.
Linda Lloyd and Iris Guinchard were proposed, seconded and appointed to the PCC too.
All votes were unanimous.
AOB and Questions from the floor.
Ian Halford spoke about Coffee Stop.
It had been running for fourteen years, but the number of helpers had diminished from fifteen to eight. More helpers are needed if it is to continue after August this year.
The meeting then closed with the Grace.
PCC Meeting
Rev Karen Wilson, Kay Lobb, Paul Stuart, Heather McCombie, Trish Wilcocks, David Simmons, Janet Thomas, Lorraine Rogers, Tony Woodbridge, Ann Rawlinson, Juliet Dundon, Iris Guinchard and Linda Lloyd.
Rosemary Aitken and Tim Rogers.
Election of Officers.
David Simmons was appointed Vice Chair again.
Trish Wilcocks agreed to continue as Treasurer again, with Annie Hewitt helping still. Tony Woodbridge volunteered to do the banking at the Post Office each week, on Trish’s behalf.
Kay Lobb agreed to continue as Secretary.
Tim Best agreed to be the Independent Examiner of accounts again.
Appointment of Standing Committee
These were to be The Vicar, Two Churchwardens, Secretary and Treasurer.
Date of next PCC Meeting
This was set for Tuesday 4th June, 2pm in the Church Hall.
Standing Committee Meeting to be on Tuesday 28th May, 2pm in the Church Hall.
Thursday 30th March, 2023